The Following List flowed through one day as an offering. I thought, PERHAPS, others would find it interesting too.
Feel into the vast wisdom of the universe. Sense the macrocosmic organization that exploded into manifest form and became the stars, the planets, the galaxies. Witness how myriad galaxies are self-organized. Revel in the perfect majesty of the blue green planet we call home supporting the equally daunting cosmic intelligence we call life. Notice the wisdom of the ecosystem, the microcosm, the body, the breath, the organs, the cells, the map called DNA. By 8 cells, the new fetus is expressing a magnetic field. The energy of life is immediately part of the expression of the flow of intelligence.
Surrender into this Divine wisdom. Trust the creator of this magnificent beauty and perfection abundant around you to abundantly guide the entire cosmic Creation with finesse and alacrity. Trust it to guide toward highest order, an expression of itSelf, awakening itSelf to its own perfection. Isn’t it so much easier to let the master pianist compose the symphony of your life?
Allow the possibility that you are the master pianist and you have already scripted the harmonics and melodies of your life. Imagine you have done this thousands of times. Before your life, you are the energy of Love, a soul, awaiting a chance to expand your loving nature so when the opportunity for a life arose that would complete your expansion into the light while in the contracted form of a body, you said yes! You gave yourself this life to express your fullest potential regardless of how being in a body usually necessitates a contraction of some of your vastness. Be vast. Use your hands as tools to touch your vastness into everything. Feel the vastness in everything you touch. Discover with your hands how big your Heart is and how voluminous Love is and let that permeate your everything. Let your hands be instruments of the voluminous vastness.
You have agreed at your vast expansive level to the basic course of your life experiences. You said yes to expansion in the human realm and you asked to expand in certain ways. Ask yourself always what true aspect of who I am is being asked of me now? Your essence is forgiving, loving, compassionate, insightful, joyful, grateful, brilliant, wise and humble. You may discover other aspects too. Let your true essence respond. Then know you are here to be that. Then get out of the way. Be that. No excuses.
Cracks reveal the light. When cracks begin to show, you may be cracking open to the Divinity of your perfection. If you can receive a crack, love it’s sinuous nature, marvel at its spider-web like threads, tend to the tenderness and love the character you take yourself to be as the crack oozes, you will find that the cracking apart process is actually breaking your essence free from the confines of the character shadow into the light. Shadows tend to resist illumination, to remain unconscious. But when they are illuminated, sometimes the process breaks so much light free there is a vibrational shift and the outer world reflects this shift as things that once resonated may begin to fall away. Likely, with the process unfolding, entrainment with a different vibration will arouse a new set of opportunities. Like harmonics, what is aligned with your new state of consciousness will seem to arise and manifest effortlessly.
You are a radiant aspect of Light. If that isn’t what is being reflected back to you, at best be curious, be receptive and ask what aspect of yourself is this false reflection trying to help illuminate? Often the false self is so invested in believing its creative stories we cannot see the true aspect the false self is hiding. This is the process of revelation. Embrace it as the path to remembering what is already alive within you.