Energy Sessions for clearing and illuminating your field
Available remotely or in person.
Remote Energy session
Quantum physics has finally confirmed what ancient sages knew. We are interconnected. Through the principle of entanglement, we know an atom in one place can affect an atom in an entirely different location.
Remote energy work leans into this reality, allowing energy to travel to where it is directed in alignment with the intention of an energy worker. Working together we will combine energy testing for clarity about that current state of your energy flows and intuitive guidance, yours and mine, that may lead us toward important insights. Our work together is to clear stagnant and blocked energy flows, release energy from the field that is not in optimal states and to allow the body to settle into a parasympathetic healing state. Work at this level emphasizes the subtle body and has the potential for profound impacts on the physical form. An energy worker holds space for your natural healing potential.
You are the center of the process. Your system will release what it is ready to release guided by the intelligence that permeates through you. My role is to open sacred space, hold the field in a pure vibration of love and presence for your process.
Remote energy sessions from can be just as powerful, if not more powerful, than an in-person visit. We work together to listen to the wisdom guiding and unfolding your path.
60 minutes via phone $108
In-person energy session
Adding hands on work to the intuitive and guided processes of releasing energy back to its natural flow can be both luxurious and deeply healing. Energy patterns learn to follow habits just like our thoughts and behaviors and with retraining we can inspire our energy to retune to optimal flow patterns.
Working in person is a combination of hands-on work, energy testing for clarity about that current state of your energy flows and intuitive guidance, yours and mine, that may lead us toward important insights. Our work together is to clear stagnant and blocked energy flows, release energy from the field that is not in optimal states and to allow the body to settle into a parasympathetic healing state. Work at this level emphasizes the physical body, the subtle body, and the mental body and has the potential for profound impacts on the physical form. An energy worker holds space for your natural healing potential.
You are the center of the process. Your system will release what it is ready to release guided by the intelligence that permeates through you. My role is to open sacred space, hold the field in a pure vibration of love and presence for your process.
We work together to listen to the wisdom guiding and unfolding your path. I hold a stable field for you to tap your inner clarity and for your body to release toward its highest potential.
60 minutes in-person $108
Photo by Jez Tims
“I’ve been feeling very, very clear! Focused and in tune again! I’m so thankful! My back, hip, shoulder, and neck continue to align also! Wonderful!”