Photo by Tit Viscek, Cascais Portugal
Cit Ananda, Poet, Energy Sensitive, Mother, Herbal officiando, DDiv, RYT-500
Cit Ananda (pronounced Chit Ananda) brings her passion for heart-centered living and well-being to the Vital Roots mission and Being Cit Ananda to support all life in expressing its inherent vitality. Her personal passion is the arena of Self-awareness and Self-discovery, fostering and supporting personal growth by developing inward awareness to then engage outwardly.
Cit Ananda provides an open ear and willingness to listen deeply as people step forward toward attuning to their relationship with That which always remains, their inner sense of Being. Being in touch with the ineffable has a way of anchoring life’s flow into a stream of gifts that serve to take one deeper into their core. This can be accessed through nature, awe, the night sky or any path that inspires you awake to the magic that abounds in our world. Miraculously, suffering is quieted as surrender to the Wisdom that governs all this magic grows.
Cit Ananda has called on plants to support the physical body as well as the emotional and mental aspects of Being. Each plant has its own signature for how it will support the interplay between the microcosm of the body within the macrocosm of our world. The art of choosing the plant allies needed for any person at a given moment is to align the microcosmic environment with the larger picture. She has also begun training in Eden Energy Medicine, a profound approach to working with the subtle energies that pulse through our bodies. This work inspires her to always allow for miracles. After all, we are a potent miracle, just as we are.
Her desire to leave the world a better place inspires everything Cit Ananda pursues. She has taught workshops centered around enhancing the skills of compassion, classes to children with the same emphasis as well as yoga classes in the TriYoga lineage. Her personal love is for the Prana Vidya work within the TriYoga® teachings. Cit Ananda desires to share the skills she has been taught including TriYoga®, Creating Compassionate Cultures, Flourish Foundation MAP curriculum, focused Breath Work and Eden Energy Medicine tools, as a way of paying it forward. Thank you for making that possible. Feel free to ask about these opportunities.
Cit Ananda also dedicates her life to the process of revealing and releasing the ways in which we are unaware of our True nature. For this work, she sits in Satsang regularly with her Beloved teacher Devaji and the remarkable Sangha who share in the teachings he brings alive.